Arctic Fox
Vulpes lagopus
IUCN Red List: Least Concern
For the Arctic fox (aka polar fox or white fox), warming temperatures have caused a loss in their sea ice and tundra habitat, meaning a decrease in food sources necessary for survival. Occasionally, desperate and hungry Arctic foxes will venture into human settlements in search of food, often with fatal endings.
As the tundra shrinks, the Red Fox has encroached on the Arctic fox's habitat, resulting in increased competition for food and shelter.¹ When this overlap occurs, the larger-bodied Red Fox can kill or expel the Arctic Fox from its home.² These precious creatures have also been victims of the fur trade - killed for their high quality fur coats.³
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² Arctic Fox, Center for Biological Diversity, Accessed on Nov. 11, 2022
³ Arctic Fox Facts, Respect for Animals, Accessed on Nov. 11, 202